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Mobilizing climate finance towards agricultural adaptation and nature-based solutions

This report identifies existing investments in climate adaptation and nature-based solutions in agriculture, explores the motivations of existing investors, and highlights some of the challenges preventing more investment.

The report identifies the opportunities emerging for these types of investment, as well as the partnerships required and the evidence needed to help drive capital towards these areas of investment.

To incentivize the flow of agricultural investments into climate adaptation, the report recommends building a short- to medium-term business case for national or regional commercial investors, and promoting communication between agricultural companies and the banks that provide them with corporate loans to increase awareness of the benefits of investing in climate adaptation practices and climate-smart agriculture technologies. Improving the quality of impact measurements by developing better definitions and standard measurement approaches will also help better engage with impact investors. Increasing the engagement with governments is also needed to establish appropriate subsidy schemes and introduce regulations for production that support the establishment of adaptation and nature-based solutions in key agricultural value chains.

Read the full report here

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